Why Donate?
Every child deserves to grow up in a nurturing, loving, happy home. Success House was founded to give pre-school aged children an opportunity to grow up in a home safe from drug and alcohol abuse and an opportunity to succeed in reaching their fullest potential.
You can protect children in our area from the risk of abuse or neglect inherent in growing up in a home overwhelmed by substance addiction. You can help give the youngest children in our area a healthy start before they turn 5 years old. You can help the most vulnerable of us achieve permanency while also preserving the family unit.
We need your help to build our facility—our goal is $1,000,000. Success House will house up to 50 women and 150 children. We will provide direct services to women who have open CPS cases; women veterans; women on probation or parole; and/or women who are homeless.
With your donation we will be able to provide “a road to recovery” for mothers who are seeking sobriety from drugs and alcohol so that they can raise their children in a safe and stable home.
Your support is key to reaching our goal. Would you consider donating $100 or more, or whatever you can, to help us achieve our mission?
Together, we can ensure better futures for the children in our area. Together we can assure mothers that “the keys to success are right around the corner!”
We thank you in advance for your support! Your donation is greatly appreciated.